Converting Fractions to Decimals

Long division method

Divide the numerator (the number above the fraction line) by the denominator (the number below the fraction line).

Keep dividing until you either get a remainder of 0 or you have enough decimal places for the desired precision.


Let's convert 5/8 to a decimal.

5/8 = 0.625 as a decimal.

Fraction to decimal conversion chart

Memorize or refer to a conversion chart where common fractions are already converted to decimals.


Using a conversion chart, you can see that 1/4 = 0.25, 1/2 = 0.5, 3/4 = 0.75, etc.

Both methods are effective for converting fractions to decimals. The long division method is useful when dealing with fractions that are not easily recognized as terminating decimals, while the conversion chart method can be quicker for commonly encountered fractions. Choose the method that works best for you based on the fraction you're converting and your preference.

Convert fractions to decimals worksheet

We have several worksheets for students to practice converting fractions to decimals from grade 3 to grade 5.

Grade 3 convert fractions to decimals

In our grade 3 math section, we have a set of worksheets for students to practice converting fractions to decimals.

Convert fractions to decimals worksheets

Converting mixed numbers to decimals

In these worksheets, students convert mixed numbers to decimals.

Convert mixed numbers to decimals

Grade 4 fractions to decimals worksheets

These harder worksheets have students converting fractions to decimals.

Convert fractions to decimals worksheets

Grade 4 mixed numbers to decimals

Similarly, these harder worksheets ask students to convert mixed numbers to decimals.

Convert mixed numbers to fractions

Grade 5 fractions to decimals

In these worksheets the denominator is 10 or 100 for students to convert fractions to decimals.

Convert fractions to decimals worksheets

Convert mixed numbers to decimals

With the same denominators of 10 and 100, students are asked to convert mixed numbers to decimals.

Convert mixed numbers to fractions worksheets

Convert fractions to decimals for grade 5

This final set of grade 5 worksheets, have students practice converting fractions to decimals, where the denominators are 10, 100 and 1000.

Convert fractions to decimals worksheets

Convert proper fractions to decimals

Students convert proper fractions to decimals in these grade 5 worksheets.

Convert proper fractions to decimals worksheets

Mixed numbers to decimals practice

With various denominators, students convert mixed numbers to decimals in these worksheets.

Convert mixed numbers to decimals worksheets

Convert fractions to decimals with repeating

Many of the answers in these worksheets will be repeating decimals as students convert fractions to decimals.

Convert fractions to decimals worksheets
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